7. Test market your ideas

Get a fresh set of eyes at each stage of development.

A trail in the woods

It’s common for those involved with a project to become so close to it they fail to understand how others will see it…

Compare Your Plan to Best Practices —

We have begun to catalog the Best Practices that have proven to work in trail safety programs across the US and Canada. Include as many as are appropriate, and stay away from those approaches that don’t work.

Trail Users Groups —

are perhaps the best way to get feedback about your concepts. Be cautious to weed out negative comments about other groups and focus on the education message.

Ask Other Marketing Professionals —

REI and other vendors will usually have marketing professionals on staff who are skilled in understanding behavior change. Ask if your themes work. Are your graphics eye-catching? What suggestions do they have?

Agency Rangers —

Rangers are close to the specifics of your area and its trail users. Their opinions are valuable.